
Understanding how organisms are built and evolve on a dynamic planet


Understanding how organisms are built and evolve on a dynamic planet

Understanding how organisms are built and evolve on a dynamic planet

Development and Evolution in Insects

How are "complex" traits built? How are these rules encoded in genomes? How does this encoding influence how traits evolve on a dynamic planet? We think about these questions through the lens of the development and evolution of phenotypically plastic traits in insects. Our current focus is on describing the development of migration in the monarch butterfly and on understanding how this developmental-genetic 'design' influences evolution of the migration strategy. We integrate development, genomics, behavior, physiology and engineering in both laboratory and natural settings to address these problems.
Monarchs make their annual migration as a result of integrating environmental cues with genetically-encoded programs. We leverage next-generation sequencing and novel molecular tools in naturalistic field settings and controlled environmental chambers to elucidate these cues...
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Multi-sensory Integration
Monarchs navigate to their overwintering sites with striking precision each year. We are combining novel miniaturized tracking electronics and machine learning methods with next-generation sequencing and imaging approaches to understand how they do this. This...
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Evolution of Migration
Monarch butterflies are a global species, and most populations do not migrate. We are integrating behavioral, genetic, and physiological analyses to determine the relative roles of genetics versus environment in maintaining “resident” Monarch populations.
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Previous Research: Drosophila Ovariole Number
How does developmental “complexity” impact evolutionary diversification? I explored this problem in my graduate work on Drosophila ovary structure with Cassandra Extavour. I identified and characterized specific cellular behaviors that give rise to specific ovariole...
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Delbert André Green II, PhD

Assistant Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Photo Credit: Daryl Marshke (University of Michigan)

Postdocs, Graduate Students, Research Technicians

Darene Assadia (she/her)

PhD Student (2023-)

Sam Stratton (he/him)

PhD Student (2021-)

G Harrison (she/her; they/them)

PhD Student (2023-)

Yangzhou Wang, PhD

Research Technician, Lab Manager

Interested in joining the lab as a postdoc or graduate student? Please email me (dgreenii [at] umich [dot] edu) with a description of your interests and your CV/resume. The lab is a part of the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Department at the University of Michigan. There will soon be opportunities for graduate students to join the lab through other UM training programs as well.


Deidre Mitchell (she/her)

UM ’25

David Cano (he/him)

UM ’26

Tongyuan (David) Miao (he/him)

UM ’27

Gabby Kupper (she/her)

UM ’25

Are you an undergraduate (or high school student) who is interested in working in the lab? There are occasionally positions available to join our team as an undergraduate research assistant (through UROP, independent study, or other alternatives). Please email me (dgreenii [at] umich [dot] edu) 1) a thoughtful description of why you are interested in the lab and 2) your CV/resume (including contact information for at least one personal reference), if you have one.


Grant Lobert